
APGAR score

皮膚の色 (Appearance)
心拍数 (Pulse)
刺激に対する反応 (Grimace)
活動性・筋緊張 (Activity)
呼吸 (Respiration)

APGAR score



3点以下 重症新生児仮死
4~6点 軽度新生児仮死
7点以上 正常

APGAR V. A proposal for a new method of evaluation of the newborn infant. Curr Res Anesth Analg . Jul-Aug 1953;32(4):260-267. PMID: 13083014

APGAR V et al. Evaluation of the newborn infant; second report. J Am Med Assoc . 1958 Dec 13;168(15):1985-8. PMID: 13598635